
A hefty budget does not always guarentee success what it comes to album making. I have realized this fact when working with bigger and smaller albums. Well done preproduction saves your money and time, makes the album sound better and makes the songs more competitive in the market. The preproduction is easy to do virtually. That’s why it is inexpensive for its price.

My typical role in preproduction phase

At first we need some kind of demos of your songs. These can be very rough ones made by your DAW. Or you can record your rehearsals even with your iPhone. Then we select the best and the most suitable songs that form united wholeness.

Second I explore the chosen songs. I see through the structures, arrangements, tempos etc. as an outsider and from neutral point of view. Many things come to light at here, also about the sounds and recordings. I take the songs one by one and write a report like ”What would I try next as a producer”. Then you can try the suggestions in your rehearsal place or in your home studio.

It is crucial to underline the bands own personality. After making preproduction for dozens of albums I have learned to find out what are the strengths and what are the developing targets. I also give tips and hints to recordings specially if the recordings are made in your home studio or rehearsal environment.